
There are few reliable, clinically validated methods of objectively measuring visual acuity at home. Those which do exist, tend to be digital solutions, including smartphone applications. Such digital tools risk excluding those without access to digital devices. We aim to produce a vision test that can be printed on A4 paper by the participant, or by the care provider and posted to the participant.

Please be aware that the tests you can generate using this site are under development, and not validated for clinical use. We are currently exploring how reproducible the test is on different printers. Following that, we hope to determine how well vision measured in this way relates to vision measured on traditional tests of vision. We are grateful for feedback on how consistent the print size of the test is by comparison of the silhouette on page 2 of the printout to a credit card.

If you do decide to use these printouts during a video consultation, for example, please consider them only as an aid - as you might ask a participant in clinic to read some text to assess their visual performance. They are not validated tests of acuity.

To learn about the types of tests available, and how to score them, please see the pages for clinicians and researchers.

For information on the performance of the test, please see the references.